Hair Removal

LightSheer® Laser

Permanent Hair Reduction for All Skin Types

Laser treatment for unwanted hair is a non-invasive approach to permanent reduction and long-term hair removal. Treatment is specifically designed to eliminate undesired hair from all parts of the body, safely eliminating hundreds of unwanted hair follicles instantly.

Before and after LightSheer® Laser Permanent Hair Reduction


After LightSheer® Laser treatment

Before and after LightSheer® Laser Permanent Hair Reduction


After LightSheer® Laser treatment

What are the benefits of LightSheer® Laser Hair Removal?

Who are candidates for treatment?

Men, women and children have been successfully treated. Treatments are customized according to hair color, texture and location on the body. Nearly all hair colors (black, brown and red) can be treated. The administration is effective on all skin types, including dark-skinned individuals of all ethnic origins. Ask to schedule a consultation to determine if LightSheer® laser hair removal is right for you.

What is treatment like?

Preliminary setup requires cleansing and shaving of the area to be treated. The laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. Without damaging the surrounding tissue, controlled pulses of light penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the hair follicles. The light energy is converted to heat and the thermal injury to the hair follicle inhibits re-growth of hair. Large areas such as backs, shoulders, abdomens and legs can be treated fairly quickly. Facial areas such as the lip, chin and beard can be treated in minutes. LightSheer® treatment is usually well-tolerated by most people.

How many treatments are required?

Because the laser affects hair follicles only when they are in the growth phase, and since only a certain percentage of hair follicles are in the growth phase at any given time, more than one treatment is necessary to disable the hair follicles in a particular area. During your consultation, you will be advised as to the approximate number of treatments.