Facial Fillers

Often a great alternative to surgery, facial fillers restore the youthful appearance of the face by plumping up wrinkles or folds of skin. They are also excellent at replacing the loss of volume that naturally occurs in the face as we age. Often, sagging skin is directly caused by the loss of fat in the facial area, especially in the mid-face/cheeks. That is precisely why some face-lifts look unnatural… while they stretch the skin, they do nothing to replace the loss of volume that occurs from age-related fat loss. Treating this loss of volume helps restore a more youthful contour to the face. With the trained and skillful eye of Dr. Hearth who understands how to optimally treat such volume loss, and with the use of scientifically advanced products, you can enjoy a more youthful appearance without invasive and costly surgery.

Restylane®/Restylane® Lyft… this popular cosmetic dermal filler uses gel particles of hyaluronic acid to smooth away moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth. Results are virtually instantaneous. It also works particularly well on the hollows under the eyes ("tear troughs"), smile lines and drooping corners of the mouth. Thicker formulations (Restylane® Lyft) are available for deep wrinkles and furrows as well as for treatment of fat loss in the mid-face area and cheeks. Restylane is injected in small amounts by an ultrafine needle. Discomfort is usually minimal due to local and topical anesthesia. Results generally last about 6-12 months after the first treatment, and can last up to 12-18 months or longer after successive treatments.

Before and after treatment with Restylane® Before and after treatment with Restylane®

Juvederm®… from the makers of Botox Cosmetic®, Juvederm® is an injectable gel similar to Restylane® and consists of hyaluronic acid, mimicking the hyaluronic acid present naturally in the skin. Like Restylane®, Juvederm® also can smooth out facial wrinkles and folds and thicker formulations are available for treatment of volume loss in the mid-face and cheeks. It is injected into or under the skin and the results are immediate. Juvederm® works particularly well for areas around the lips and mouth. The longevity of results obtained with Juvederm® is similar to Restylane®/Restylane® Lyft.

Before and after treatment with Juvederm®


After Juvederm® treatment

Before and after treatment with Juvederm®


After Juvederm® treatment

Juvederm Voluma® XC is the first and only FDA-approved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area. As you age, it's not just about lines and wrinkles. Your face can also lose volume and sag. Juvederm Voluma® XC instantly adds volume, creating contour and lift. It's the non-surgical filler your doctor uses to help restore a more youthful profile for up to two years with optimal treatment.

Before and after treatment with Juvederm Voluma® XC


After Juvederm Voluma® XC treatment

Before and after treatment with Juvederm Voluma® XC


After Juvederm Voluma® XC treatment

Radiesse®… this dermal filler smoothes out lines and wrinkles as well as restores facial volume. Like other fillers, once injected, Radiesse® works deep in the skin, below the skin's surface, to stimulate the production of new collagen. Radiesse® provides excellent results in many areas of the face and gives you a natural and youthful look immediately. It works particularly well for deeper smile lines and vertical lines under the corners of the mouth. In many patients, results have lasted up to 12-18 months. Radiesse® can also be used to improve the appearance of aging hands by helping to restore volume that has been lost from fat loss under the skin's surface.

Before and after treatment with Radiesse®


After Radiesse® treatment

Sculptra®… this is one of the longer lasting dermal fillers. Sculptra® is injected deep in the skin and under the skin, to provide results that can last up to 2 or more years. Sculptra® contains lactic acid which is a natural substance found in most living tissues. It is different from more traditional fillers because the lactic acid dissipates fairly quickly from the tissue once it's injected. The results obtained from Sculptra® are from the lactic acid stimulating collagen formation over time (usually several months). Because of this, Sculptra® can dramatically restore volume loss in the face and improve deep depressions and folds. More than one treatment is usually required, but this allows for a gradual and natural appearing result.

There are many filler choices available today. Often, more than one filler may be appropriate to treat a particular problem. However, certain fillers may work better in some areas and for certain problems than others. Dr. Hearth can develop a treatment plan that is best for your skin's particular needs.

Before and after treatment with Sculptra®



Sculptra® for facial fat loss resulting in natural and refreshed appearance.